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SteamJet and Momentus Collective Launch 2020

SteamJet announced a launch service agreement with Momentus (, provider of in-space transportation services for satellites. It is our first technology demonstration mission for a reliable, compact, and available water-based propulsion system that will be launched from a Soyuz to SSO.

SteamJet and Momentus have a common goal of broadening the current mission capabilities of smallsats, enabling satellites to stay in space longer. 

“It’s a pleasure to be working with Momentus on launch integration and using their technology for our final orbital placement,” said Pavel Savin, president and founder of SteamJet company. “Momentus has created a fantastic efficiency to cost ratio, and we look forward to continuing the relationship with future SteamJet satellites.”

SteamJet develops and produces water-based thrusters for SmallSats/CubeSats manufactured by SatRevolution using water or any other low pressure, non-toxic and non-corrosive fluid as the propellant to form thrust in a low power resistojet. Herewith, compared to high-pressure cold gas thrusters, our propulsion system is fully safe for launch-site operations, or storage within the International Space Station, therefore, reducing the overall mission risks.

SteamJet thrusters offer such benefits as the opportunity for SmallSats and CubeSats to stay in space longer, change and optimize their orbit, operate in constellations, avoid collisions, and de-orbit at the end of their missions. Additionally, the high thrust and low power consumption of our thrusters promote satellites to get to the final orbit sooner and with less necessary power than electric propulsion.

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